

The form of cooperation with the endowment fund Plaváček has not been extended since the year 2014.

A non-profit organization founded by Deana and Juraj Jakubisko supports talented and gifted children from socially disadvantaged families and orphanages.

The initial impulse for the founding of the NPO Plaváček in 2002 was a necessity of urgent and concrete help for children from flooded areas. After this, we focused not only on a material support but also on improving mental and physical abilities of children. We utilized our prior experiences in a project called “VÍTR DO PLACHET”- it supports the development of personalities of individuals and groups, whom the social conditions do not allow to fully take advantage of their gifts and talents. In the project we have engaged both specialists in working with children and a lot of famous people. We search not only for a material help for our child clients but we also broadly support their needs in the cultural and educational area. The aims of this project are an intensive search for talented kids from poor and socially excluded groups, permanent professional supervision over the development of their talent and maximum support the realization in all its bearings. The NPO Plaváček opens doors to young artists, athletes, scientists, researchers, etc. simply to all children, whose growth of a demonstrable talent and gift is restricted by social and material reasons.

The aims of the foundation Plaváček are:
 An intensive search for talented kids from socially disadvantaged families and orphanages
 An integration and development of concrete abilities of selected children, support their ambitions, taste for study and achieving success
 Providing free-time and other activities leading to the development of child’s talent

The project “Vítr do plachet” is:
 A long-term project of the foundation
 A guarantee of a choice of the most talented candidates from socially disadvantaged families and orphanages
 A guarantee of a maximum effective use of financial resources with regard to the education of the child and the development of its talent

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Stories of happy children
What is Charitky project?
Handmade by handicapped
Helps to develop children
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