Successful children in a project Talent La Sophia – a category Football

Successful children in a project Talent La Sophia – a category Football

The second group of children who will receive a contribution from Charitky are boys and a girl devoting themselves to football.

Charitky thanks to a company RWE can provide to these children a contribution in a total amount of CZK 11,500 to participate in football clubs or for purchasing sports equipment. If they want to continue in the project La Sophia they have to fulfil an ethical code – to have a grade average to 2.0, to regularly inform about their school results and also participate in the annual football camp.

Nine-year-old boys Martin and Roman both live for football, someday they would like to become professional football players and represent the Czech Republic. Thanks to the project they can play in their dream club and participate in small and large football matches.

Jakub is only six years old, but he has been already playing football for two years, someday he would like to play in front of a crowded stadium. Jakub has four siblings and so that he is thrilled that the project La Sophia will pay contributions in a professional football club.

Fourteen-year-old Daniel, who lives in an orphanage, has been already playing football for seven years. He already plays in a professional football club and he participates in training camps, where he can train with professionals such as Tomáš Ujfaluši, Marek Jankulovski or national coaches Václav Černý and Aleš Čvančara.

Fourteen-year-old Anička has been playing football since childhood, she is the only girl who succeeded in the project in the category of football. She will be able to start playing in a professional club and participate in a training camp, where she will train with the Czech representation.

La Sophia


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