Dobrý skutek

Dobrý skutek

“The project Charitky was recommended to us. Interesting was that there were two independent recommendations within a week interval. I was excited of the idea of the connection of charity, benefits and nearly any business message on the wrapping of extraordinary sweets- Charitky. We accepted the offer for cooperation without hesitation. We can obtain finances for medical equipments or services for our children’s clients and new contacts. Furthermore, from time to time there appears someone among our supporters who as well sees in the Charitky project an unique opportunity to help children in other ways than the conventional form of charity. Just this individual or company can do a good deed for the Dobrý skutek,” said Mgr. Bára Hrubá, The President of the civil society organisation Dobrý skutek.

The civic society organisation Dobrý skutek was founded on April 21, 2005 with the support of the Broker Consulting, a.s. and the Jágr Team, s r.o.

At the start was a small group of people who shared the same idea: make the help effective and transparent for all involved. Since the beginning the main priority is to allow all who want to help to freely choose the one who they want to support and, in addition to this, to have a maximum control over the provided financial assistance. An important part of the original idea was to reward good deeds by some of the original items that were devoted for the support of the project by famous personalities of the world of sport, culture and show business.

From the merging of the original ideas the current appearance of the civil association Dobrý skutek arose. The association enables a targeted support for people in a difficult life situation who do not get along without a help from others at the moment. The support is realized through fundraisings which are posted on the website of the civic association Dobrý skutek.

The one who decides to help has a possibility to choose the recipient of his donation and check the flow of money deposited on a transparent bank account of the Dobrý skutek. Moreover, the donator could receive a present for his good deed which will remember him in the future that a good deed is better than a good advice.

A good dead for Davídek

We welcome a new partner: Česká spořitelna with a program Diversitas

A contribution for Kubík from Charitky and Generali

Generali pojišťovna is joining the Charitky Project

česká spořitelna

Generali Pojišťovna a.s.


Orion Pharma




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Handmade by handicapped
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