Please, read Jirka's letter

Please, read Jirka's letter

Cooperation between Charitky and a travel agency Periscope Skandinávie raised 14.350 CZK. The whole amount was sent on a bank account of Jirka, a boy who is in a programme called "Podporuj mě..." This programme is under the guarantee of a CSO dejme dětem šanci.

This time, we are not going to tell you about Jirka’s story, because we have for you one pleasant and purely authentic innovation. Jirka wrote a personal thank you letter, in which he describes his weeks in a boarding school and about weekends in his orphanage. Please, read the letter about a nice boy who is full of plans for the future and who is really happy that we can help him even a little bit in their realization. You can find the letter below Jirka’s photo.

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