Invitation to a conference Corporate Health Day
Please accept our invitation to the conference Corporate Health Day organised by an inspirational company Human Garden. It will be held on April 16, 2015 at The Augustine Prague. Our cooperative non-profit organisation Quiido, an endowment fund, will give its presentation. The raised money from ticket sales and through sponsors will be donated to Quiido – to support the education of intellectually gifted children in schools.
The conference concerned with the essence of healthy companies reveals the economic and social systems, their functioning and brings a number of practical tools, new trends and interesting experiences. It answers the questions: “What is the essence of healthy companies? How it is possible that everything can go smoothly in some companies and not in others? How to align corporate values with personal needs of employees in order to grow profit?”
Very interesting speakers are going to perform – Stanislav Bernard, Karel Janeček, Petr Šmída, Jan Mühlfeit together with twenty other prominent businessmen and owners of large Czech companies.
The profit obtained from entrance fees and through sponsors will support the endowment fund Quiido that supports education of exceptionally intellectually gifted children directly within schools – it develops their intellectual potential and social intelligence.
Support granted to children's development