TOP 5 companies loyal to Charitky

TOP 5 companies loyal to Charitky

A promotional program Charitky has been already running for 3 years. There are companies that participate in it every year by purchasing a promotional item Charitky. The social responsibility is in fact written in their DNA.

Some important companies have already engaged in the support and development of children several times:
• Twice a company T-Mobile contributed a total amount of CZK 126,100 and ING Životní pojišťovna CZ and SK an amount of CZK 69,710.
• Three times Volkswagen donated a total amount of CZK 61,336 and AC Nielsen CZK 17,808.
• Even six times RWE participated by a total amount of CZK 101,220.
Thank you.

We also thank to other firms and companies that appreciate Charitky’s contribution, both for their own promotion and for the socially responsible dimension.

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Handmade by handicapped
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