A look back at a conference on social entrepreneurship

A look back at a conference on social entrepreneurship

The two-day conference on a title “Sociální podnikání aneb podnikáme jinak” (“Social business or we do business differently”) that was held by P3 – People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s., provided on April 2 and 3 to two hundred participants room for exchange their experiences and discuss new trends in this area. Social entrepreneurship includes activities that benefit for society, the environment and generate revenue that companies use for their further development. It often creates employment opportunities for people with health or social disadvantages. Ashoka ČR, Association of social responsibility and The Ecumenical Academy also cooperated in the event.

First day, foreign partners from Austria and Belgium introduced trends of social entrepreneurship and during both days then the morning lectures were followed by workshops with specific themes. On the panel that focused on the relationship of social entrepreneurship and current concept of corporate social responsibility, Mrs. Miriam Janyšková, the founder of the program Charitky, also appeared.

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