The year 2013 brought support for other children
In the past year, we managed to support other 160 children thanks to cooperation with our partners from large and small companies and non-profit organisations. Exactly so many ill, socially disadvantaged or otherwise disabled children divided between themselves the total amount of 231 474 CZK was raised by virtue of a socially responsible promotional program Charitky®.
We keep introduce stories of particular children to you on our website and on Facebook. The total amount for the year 2013 represents 12 % of the production of almost 95,000 pieces of Charitky, which existing and new companies made use of as an original promotional item. Companies that merged promoting of their products and services with a social overlap of Charitky are Volkswagen, RWE, T-Mobile, Generali pojišťovna, AC Nielsen, ING pojišťovna, Total, MORIS design, Phoenix and Active 24. With some partner companies it has already been a repeated cooperation.
Together we managed to support particular children from orphanages included in a program „Podporuj mě“ (‘Support me’) of Dejme dětem šanci o.p.s. (Let’s give children chance); physically disabled children through o.s. Dobrý skutek or o.s. Federaci rodičů a přátel sluchově postižených (The Federation of Parents and Friends of the Hearing-Impaired); hospitalised children in the children departments through Nadace Archa Chantal; children with personal problems through Linka bezpečí (Safety line) or Nadace Naše dítě; as well as Nadace pre deti Slovenska (Children of Slovakia Foundation), Úsmev ako dar and many more.
An important innovation of last year was the involvement of people with disabilities in manual production of Charitky. By this step Charitky® became an original promotional item in the mode of a facultative compensation.
We are sincerely pleased that the project Charitky manages to show that even business could have a social dimension.