Children of Slovakia Foundation joined the project Charitky

Children of Slovakia Foundation joined the project Charitky

The Children of Slovakia Foundation is one of the largest non-governmental non-profit
organisations operating across Slovakia focusing on helping children and young adults who find themselves in various life situations. The foundation together with partners help them, support their broad development, strengthen the participation of children in decision making and respect them as equal partners.

Children – delicate, pure and vulnerable beings discovering world under the affectionate parental supervision... But also those who are not fortunate enough to grow up in a safety of their own functional biological family; children neglected, abused and even tortured; children from national minorities and socially disadvantaged groups; children physically or mentally challenged, as well as children talented, active, involved in scouting and other meaningful activities; just like their older “friends” – young adults leaving orphanages, struggling with social or medical disadvantages or on the contrary with desire and will to help others; and last but not least important adults who have significant influence on life and future of children in their surroundings – i.e. parents, grand-parents, teachers, hobby instructors, sports coaches, active individuals in communities, mayors, as well as those who influence the creation or execution of laws... All mentioned above and together with media and through them the general public are the target groups of Children of Slovakia Foundation, that since 1995 has been fulfilling its mission - supporting the broad development of child’s and young adult’s personality.

Children of Slovakia Foundation

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Stories of happy children
What is Charitky project?
Handmade by handicapped
Helps to develop children
Giving forward...
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