Complex services for hearing-impaired children

Complex services for hearing-impaired children

A new association has extended the number of subjects cooperating with Charitky. Federace rodičů a přátel sluchově postižených, o.s. (Federation of parents and friends of hearing-impaireds) provides a complex of professional social, consulting, educational and information services for families with hearing-impaired children.

The foundation of the Federation and its programme was initiated by parents in 1990, with the main objective of making a positive impact on the educational and integration options of children with hearing impairments. Another objective was to improve awareness in this area and above all to allow children with hearing impairments to obtain equal and complete access to education and social life.

Since its foundation, the Federation has been the initiator of many positive changes in healthcare, education and social services, and has become the founder of several private schools. The need and requirements of families have changed and become more specific over the years, but were always a current reaction to the overall situation in society. The response to parents´ demands was the gradual professionalization of the provided specialised services focused on children and adults alike.

What services do we offer?
Our organisation offers comprehensive, mutually interlinked services that fully cover the need of children with hearing impairments and their families from birth until 18 years of age. The core of the operated programme comprises registered social services, information and consulting services, educational and cultural awareness projects. These oriented activities are conducted through professional teams.

• Social consulting for the hearing-impaired and their relatives
• Tamtam Early Care Centres in Prague and Olomouc
• Social activation centre
• Information centre about deafness
• Special psychological consulting centre for the hearing-impaired
• Educational programmes – courses, seminars, lectures
• Weekly holiday events for parents with hearing-impaired children
• Parents´ club
• Cultural awareness events for the general public
• Pipan bilingual preschool

The Federation of Parents and Friends of Hearing-Impaired is the foundation of the Bilingual Preschool for the Hearing-Impaired. The school provides services to children with hearing impairments, speech impediments, the unimpaired children of the deaf parents and those who prefer a smaller collective. The school has its own educational programme focused on the individual support of developing children and preparing them for integration into a normal children’s collective.

Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam

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