Charitky in TV Barrandov
16th of April 2013, the Charitky project was introduced in Main news on TV Barrandov. A very interesting coverage during the main broadcast time provides an opportunity to formulate problems of helping adolescent inhabitants of orphanages and supporting talented children, who don’t have any possibilities to develop their abilities. The director of Charitky, Ing. Miriam Janyšková, acquainted the public with concrete numbers and with the aim of the project.
Furthermore, Michaela Chovancová from a civic society organisation “Dejme dětem šanci” and Stanislava Koucká Nodlová, a director of an endowment fund “Plaváček”, appeared in the coverage. Children also weren’t absent. Lucka talked about her feelings, this year she is taking the leaving exams and that means for her to stand on her own two feet and without any family background begin an independent life. TV viewers were also introduced to a story of twin sisters, who thanks to financial help can develop their outstanding dance talent despite of their poor social conditions.