BBC Radio interviewed the director of Charitky

BBC Radio interviewed the director of Charitky

On Tuesday 16th of March 2013 in the morning, the director of the project Charitky, Ing. Miriam Janyšková, appeared in the Czech section of BBC Radio.

What was the interview about? Radio listeners had a chance to obtain information about the idea of socially responsible promotion and especially about the concept and aims of the project Charitky. During the discussion the existing activity of the project was evaluated and there were also mentioned our cooperating organizations and partners thanks to them Charitky could raise and hand over to children more than 200.000 CZK during the first year of its existence.

Main page
Stories of happy children
What is Charitky project?
Handmade by handicapped
Helps to develop children
Giving forward...
Project Charitky is supported