A project “Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě” for 77 children

A project “Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě” for 77 children

A simple calculation from a total cost of the project "Linka bezpečí ve vaší třídě" ("Safety Line in your class") and a number of addressed children shows that the contribution from VW and Charitky represents help and enlightenment for 77 children.

Safety Line in your class is a unique project for primary and grammar schools that arose from a many years long experience with working with children and with their problems on a children’s crisis phone line. The project is about an informal meeting of lectors of the Safety Line and children right in the classrooms.

The project offers free preventive interactive blocks aimed at actual child and adolescent problems. The main interest of the project is to introduce children and adolescents to the possible solutions to their problems and difficult life situations and to inform them fully about professional services including information about Safety Line.


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